A1 Hotmelt 527 Natural Adhesive 1 Kg

A1 Hotmelt 527 Natural Adhesive 1 Kg

Product Code:SKT-8698815893805
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Product Description

This is a synthetic resin and EVA-based thermoplastic hotmelt adhesive.

APPLICATION AREAS: A1 Hotmelt 526 is an adhesive used for bonding PVC and solid edge bands in domestic and foreign edge banding machines, as well as in manual and automatic edge banding machines.

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Color: Natural - Milk White - Brown - Larex - Ivory Form: Granule Brookfield Viscosity: 45000±10000 mPa.s (at 140ºC with spindle 29, 100 rpm) Softening Point: 80 ±1 ºC

APPLICATION: Material Moisture: 8-10% Air Humidity: 65-75% Material and Environmental Temperature: > 15 ºC Tank Temperature: 120 - 140 ºC Roller Temperature: 120 - 140 ºC

PACKAGING: In 1 Kg Paper Bags

APPLICATION METHOD: It is recommended that the ambient temperature during application should be above 15°C, the adhesive should be spread across the entire surface of the material to be bonded, and the air humidity should be between 65-75% while the material's humidity is between 8-10%.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Undesired oil and dust on surfaces will prevent proper bonding and the desired strength cannot be achieved. The temperature inside the glue tank should be monitored, and the glue temperature should be checked at regular intervals, especially during changes in weather and seasons. The temperature of the environment and the surfaces to be bonded should be above 15°C. Otherwise, the glue will set faster than the desired time, and a healthy bond cannot be achieved. The glue tank should be cleaned at regular intervals. The amount of glue applied to surfaces may vary depending on the types of materials to be bonded. It is recommended to adjust the glue settings in such cases. If work is paused, the glue temperature should be lowered to 100-110°C to prevent the glue in the tank from burning and to ensure high-performance continuity.

Shelf life at room temperature (18-20°C) is 12 months.

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